

“Workshop is a period of discussion or practical work on a particular subject in which a group of people learn about the subject by sharing their knowledge or experience. “



アメリカで、workshop型の授業を実践しているNancie Atwell(1998)の"In the Middle"から、いくつか引用を掲載する。

“They (Students) were passive recipients of literature I selected and interpretations I devised.” (p.33)

“Allowing readers to select their own books has a major impact on students’ fluency, reading rate, and comprehension.” (p.37)

“Surviving adolescence is no small matter; neither is surviving adolescents. It's a hard age to be and to teach. The worst things that ever happened to anybody happen every day. But some of the best things can happen, too, and they're more likely to happen when middle school teachers understand the nature of middle school kids and teach in ways that help them grow.”(p.p.53-54)

“We won’t get the best from middle school students until we stop blaming adolescents for their adolescent behavior and begin to invite their distinctive brand of middle school best. I think we make the best of adolescence when we recognize and act on three principles.
First, teachers have to accept the reality of middle school students,…(略)
Next, we have to recognize that adolescence is as special and important a time in students’ intellectual development….(略)
Finally, middle school teaching should be organized so that it helps kids begin to understand and participate in adult reality. This means more independent activity, more say in what happens in the classroom, and more responsibility for their learning. It also means teachers who communicate the importance and usefulness in our own lives of the subjects we teach, who demonstrate our processes as learners and our personal knowledge of our fields, and who invite students inside academia by showing them that inside is a worthwhile, interesting place to be.” (p.54)

“Tracking(=separating children into different classes according to their academic ability ) exists mostly for the benefit of teachers and the lecture/listen/busywork mode of instruction. It allows schools to blame students for failing to teach them well--all those low-tracked adolescents of whom less and less is asked or expected.” (p.70)

“A workshop approach accommodates adolescents' needs, invites their independence, challenges them to grow up, and transform the status quo.." (p.71)

教え込もうとしてきた我々。生徒たちが、自ら選択し、自ら grow upすることにチャレンジさせられるか。教師の役割も変わり始めている。しばらく実践を続けたい。

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